A Skilled Legal Team Serving The Community For Generations

Versailles Divorce Attorneys

Family ties are the most emotional and enduring of bonds; however, they are rarely free from conflict. When you have come to believe they must be severed, as in divorce, emotions can run high. When children are involved, emotion escalates further.

At Moore Law Office, we have been guiding clients through the process of divorce for 30 years in Versailles, Frankfort, Lawrenceburg, Nicholasville and the surrounding area. We understand that family ties are legal relationships as well as emotional bonds. Our goal is to help you make informed decisions, understand the impact of your decisions, and come to workable agreements, with your own and your children’s best interests foremost in mind.

We have long experience in helping clients achieve resolution in family law matters concerning:

  • Child custody, timesharing and visitation
  • Grandparent visitation rights
  • Child and spousal support
  • Adoption
  • Division of property

Divorce In Kentucky

All marital property acquired during the marriage is subject to division on an equitable basis, not an equal basis. However, what is equitable to a court may seem unfair to you.

Our experience in business is an advantage in cases involving significant assets and complex property division. We are able to appropriately value and negotiate or fight for your share of marital assets, protecting assets that are important to you.

Lawyers In Woodford County Divorce Cases

Mediation is, practically speaking, mandatory in Woodford County. Not until you have attended mediation can a trial date be set. In the vast majority of cases, our clients are able to resolve custody and parenting issues, avoiding costly visits to court and the surprises that may be introduced when a judge makes decisions.

Mediation is an informal process. There are generally no rules of evidence in mediation. We accompany our clients at mediation and select a mediator based on their needs (such as business valuation or child custody and visitation issues). As your attorneys, we guide you through the mediation process, offer suggestions and prepare for court the agreements you reach.

Moore Law Office has acted as a mediator in family law cases and has acted as a special domestic commissioner, making recommendations to the judge. We are thoroughly familiar with the process and can help make it work for you.

Contact Our Versailles Divorce Attorneys

If you have questions about divorce or associated issues, like child custody or visitation, we invite you to call our Versailles lawyers at 859-873-6207 or contact us online to arrange an initial consultation.